Mike Knebel

President / CEO at Logistics Logic LLC.

Oklahoma City, OK Technology & Marketing Solutions Education: The University of Tulsa
BSBA Marketing & Dual Minors in International Business & Mass Communications

Personal Details

  • Location: OKC - USA

About Me

Entrepreneur. BSBA in Marketing & Dual Minors of International Business & Mass Communications.

Started full-time entrepreneurship in March, 2004 as an LLC, evolving to an S-Corp.

Notable accomplishments include founding & running several micro businesses, selling a micro business and managing expansion & contraction within my company, and advisory solutions to others. I have an expandable team providing software-development solutions for small, medium and enterprise companies (think a brown-branded package delivery service). Logistics solutions include warehousing, storage, human resources, logistics, LTL, FTL & intermodal transport. E-Commerce solutions include marketplace development, raffle-ticket software, child-enrollment software for programs, with goods-purchase, reservation systems, payment systems and much more!

Current work includes talent acquisition (outsourcing your team), website development, software architecture & development, marketing planning & campaign creation (includes assets), video & photography & more.

Started full-time entrepreneurship in March, 2004 as an LLC, evolving to an S-Corp.

Notable accomplishments include founding & running several micro businesses, selling a micro business and managing expansion & contraction within my company, and advisory solutions to others. I have an expandable team providing software-development solutions for small, medium and enterprise companies (think a brown-branded package delivery service). Logistics solutions include warehousing, storage, human resources, logistics, LTL, FTL & intermodal transport. E-Commerce solutions include marketplace development, raffle-ticket software, child-enrollment software for programs, with goods-purchase, reservation systems, payment systems and much more!

Current work includes talent acquisition (outsourcing your team), software architecture & development, marketing planning & an upcoming specialized marketplace!

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Current Brands

Logistics Logic Logo
Founded in 2003
307WEB Logo
Founded in 2016
BuyUSAFirst Logo
Founded in 2020
Red Truck Software Logo
Founded in 2023


From March 2004 To Present

(Currently 20 Years)

Logistics Logic Charlotte, NC / Buffalo, WY / Oklahoma City, OK

President / CEO - Logistics Logic, Inc.

As President of Logistics Logic, I provide leadership and growth, having managed a peak of 8 developers and 2 project managers for enterprise-level projects. I've also provided Interim CEO staffing for the Buffalo Area Chamber of Commerce. Some of the other services we provide include marketing, websites, mobile app development, full-stack development, software integration and marketing services!

We bring technology business from all over the world, right to you!

From March, 2015 To Present

(Currently 10+ Years)

307WEB Buffalo, Wyoming

Owner - 307WEB (Subsidiary of Logistics Logic, Inc.)

Branded a new subsidiary to Logistics Logic, allowing more effective marketing to local Wyoming markets. This brand continue providing the same services as Logistics Logic, but targets marketing and promotional efforts more effectively within the area.

From March, 2019 To October,2019

(7 Months Total)

Buffalo Chamber of Commerce Buffalo, Wyoming

Interim CEO - Buffalo Area Chamber of Commerce

As Interim CEO, I provided continuity at the highest levels, balanced the budget, re-branded for new PR, attended conferences for marketing the Buffalo & Johnson County areas to tour operators, oversaw the community's largest event, and reorganized several facets of the organization, including boosting marketing efforts to new levels, attracting new members, and increasing membership pricing for the 1st time in 9 years.

Created benchmarks & KPIs utilizing DOT traffic and sales-tax revenues, and produced measurable successes in tourism increases for Buffalo, Wyoming; Secured the highest historical awards for city & county grants; Absorbed duties of the Buffalo Downtown Association; Balanced the budget with a path to profitability and ability to create a "rainy-day" fund; Offloaded unprofitable events to other organizations more equipped to profitably execute; Forged partnership with JOCO First, the county's economic-development organisation, resulting in de-duplication of Chamber-County efforts and providing a pathway for Johnson County to assist with economic development through tourism.

From March, 2001 To March, 2004

(3 Years)

Cadmus Communications Charlotte, NC

IT Analyst & Team Manager

Reporting directly to the IT Director; Successfully consolidated softwares for bulk fulfillment facilities from Atlanta facility to Charlotte, NC. All bulk packaging/marketing/shipping solutions were consolidated to Charlotte for a corporate merger/purchase.

10-folded data-production growth for bulk packaging manufacturing, distribution & fulfillment, with .999 accuracy, adding no additional staff, by focusing on quality controls, automation & employee tools.

Created and managed new software with successful enterprise rollout, which included enterprise Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) & Fulfillment forecasting for several Fortune 100® companies.

Oversaw ISO 9000:2000 compliance for IT development & data services, assisted with Sarbanes-Oxley compliance.

Managed servers and provided full-stack support and development for newly-implemented ERP solution I helped direct development functionality. Also implemented alternatives (APIs) to EDI - unheard of at the time.

From 1999 To 2001

USFreightWays Kansas City, MO.

Regional IT Director

Created in-house software to handle domestic & international, intermodal shipping, which included shipping & customs documentation production.

Created the first online-shipment tracking software for bulk shipping, and for pharmaceuticals, with FDA compliance. Software was utilized for pharmaceutical-to-doctor nationwide samples distribution. Software was later purchased by USFreightways.

From 1996 To 1999

LEP Profit International / TDM Freight Services Tulsa, OK

IT Director

Hired for outside sales to help grow the Tulsa location. Was promoted after 6 months to IT Director, to re-design and revamp company technologies, especially those used for national high-volume pharmaceutical distribution.

Setup WAN for 4 offices, allowing multiple email servers and data transfer between locations - feats which were extremely innovative at the time.

Installed 4 Novell networks creating a WAN and networked all PCs to replace terminals in all 4 locations.

Automated sales and shipping workflows for truckload, domestic and international intermodal shipping & freight forwarding.

Later promoted to corporate headquarters in Kansas City, MO. The companies then partnered with USFreightways for growth & continuity.


Skills & Languages

Core PHP
Video Creation
Marketing Assets


  • EnglishEnglish: Native
  • GermanGerman: Fluent
